Become a CLiMBer
Considering contributing to CLiMB Lab research? Here's how you can get involved.
Graduate Students
We are taking graduate students!
Prospective graduate students interested in joining the lab should first apply and be admitted to an appropriate graduate program at Stanford University. The lab does not directly admit students.
The lab is formally housed in the Department of Linguistics, but students with aligned research interests from any department are welcome. Dr. Shain can be the primary advisor for students in the Linguistics, Symbolic Systems, and Interdepartmental Neurosciences programs. Students in other departments can also be mentored by Dr. Shain, but they may need a primary in their home department. Current Stanford graduate students should contact us to discuss opportunities.
Undergraduate Students
The CLiMB Lab strongly supports undergraduate research and welcomes inquiries from Stanford undergraduates. Undergraduates typically participate in research by contributing to ongoing projects, but they can also pursue independent research. Interested undergraduates should contact us to discuss opportunities.
Postdoctoral Researchers
The lab is not actively soliciting postdoctoral applications at this time, but inquiries from potential postdoc candidates with aligned research interests are welcome. Contact us to discuss opportunities.
Staff Research Assistants
The lab is currently fully staffed, but as positions open up we will announce them here.